Not sure if everyone knows, but the flooding has been particularily bad in Qld the past 24 hours. Cold Mountain Stud has gone completely underwater and trainer Murray Sullivan is stranded on the house roof waiting for help to arrive. The good news is that he has finally been contacted (as posted by someone on his Facebook page) and it shouldn't be too much longer before he is rescued. The sad news is that it is unsure how many horses have been lost. He posted to his wall that one had already drowned and got swept away.

I cannot fathom the bravery of this man to stay and try and save his horses at the risk to his own life. A true champion. I can only hope that for all his efforts that a majority of his steeds can be saved. This does not look good, with the water reported to be up to their necks already (several hours ago).

Praying for miracles. Hang in there Murray. I hope the rest of the horses survive. Prayers also for anyone else who has been effected and especially those caught off guard at Toowoomba. A sad day for Qld indeed.