Hey Admin,

You recently gave me a bit of a touch-up for using the (very apt) word 'wank' in a Thread Title about the Change Of Tactics rule and you also got yourself all cat on a hot tin roof about another thread I was having a bit of a verbal joust with another member and where you stated that you contemplated locking it or words to that effect...and yet, right there bold as brass on Harnesslink's own Home Page....a constant FFA of slandering is to be found down the left hand side in the Story Comment/Reply column. It's an abject disgrace.
Now maybe that bit's not under your control and I'm ripping the wrong bloke but geeze, it wouldn't do you any harm to get onto whoever does oversee it and suggest that they shut that crap down & immediately if not sooner.
It's high time the Bozos who send stuff to that section are educated to the fact that the right to Free Speech comes with inherent responsibilities...as does web-publishing for that matter.