Although I touched on Lances impending fall from grace in another thread Dan, I was a bit surprised no-one really wanted to add their two bobs worth. Its really not a matter of banging our chests, climbing to the top of the hill and yelling TOLD YOU SO. The sobering fact is that it just leaves you feeling gutted. The fact that the UCI chose not to take any action all the way back to 1999, when they could have, leaves you thinking why didn't they and only if they did. Through their inaction they only fostered an environment that encouraged drug taking and blood doping by those that could almost compete on their merits but chose to go down the road of cheating to reach their goal. The UCI has a lot to answer for. It happened a long time ago but sports administrators of today have been given a free tip as to how the majority of the general public feel about drugs in sport. All drug cheats are just as culpible, just as guilty as Armstrong. A case of no winners, almost everyone along the way has lost in some form or another, all the way down to the little kids who adored him. No matter what happens, Armstrong will never admit guilt, but that doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter what he thinks or says anymore.

Will there ever be a competition of any kind that will not be tainted by someone who will try to gain an unfair advantage over their fellow competitors by using performancing enhancing drugs? Not in my lifetime, thats for sure. Maybe in the future they could hold the' clean and dirty olympics', the 'clean and dirty Tour De France', the 'cleanharness races' and 'dirtyharness races' ... you know, a free for all open to all competition who can use whatever means available to win. Got a fair idea what punters would go for in the end. And everybody gets what they want in the end.