You hit it on the head The Form Student and I'd forgotten about the prices in the paper. Even though not being a new generation tech savvy guy myself I'm thinking new generation punters would look online, a corporate's site for prices. But still, the papers, where do they come from, the tipster or a selected third party? In Vic Huctchy used to? And we know it's not the end of the world for the corporates if a true odds on favourite firms up and wins...what were the stats Kev?
Oh for the days, going to the track and watching the betting ring.
Was looking at it in reference to Richard's #129 and Kev's #128 posts, and from the casual/new punter's view, being put off with those paper prices and opening prices with the corporates reflecting a true favourite. I was asking do the fair dinkum punters here find the opening markets with the betting agencies on race day accurate bearing in mind casual punters might follow the so called money. The snowball effect, naïve money following naïve money. Has always happened but am now wondering how/if the corporates influence that. Do all agencies refresh with fluctuations easily showing where the money is going? Valid points The Form Student, percentages and corporate's 'risk management'. Not disregarding the well educated punter but is it too complex for the casual/new? So bearing that in mind...with my reference to Form analysts to assist stewards, Iwas thinking along the lines of would more accurate price assessment be more beneficial to wagering before worrying about what might be a perception, the industry/punter being better served by an analyst after they jumped.