Cassie, you once got this advice from William...

Hi Cassie
I've enjoyed reading your posts and it's good to have you on this forum. I hope that you don't get involved in any personal stuff or flaming because from what I have seen that usually ends in people disappearing from the discussion, which would be a shame in your case. This is an emotive issue in some respects but lets all stick to the issue and try to leave the personal stuff to one side.

Good advice I feel.
Now we have disagreed with each other re the LM scenario and we r both welcome to our opinions, I have nothing against u.
Hopefully u won't come back to me with "whatever, stick it up your..."

Just also think that one day u may work for another Trainer than u work for today, and on the good old internet, everything u write is there forever, every attitude, every word, every feeling, every "feel or vibe" that u write is a representation of who u r as a person...many people have lost jobs because of what they wrote on for example Facebook, or not got jobs in the future..